One Bag Nation

New Year Affirmations

Posted on: January 11, 2009

Inspired by the New Year’s Challenge posed by Leo from, I decided that my only serious New Year’s resolution would be to establish a new habit, and that my habit would be to write (and say aloud) three affirmations daily.

forgetmenotThe problem is, it’s so easy to forget to do it! I decided to type mine out, rather than handwrite them, so I created a document and saved it to my desktop where it would be easy to retrieve. But still I forget . . .

Leo recommends finding a “trigger”, another action that will prompt you to practice your new habit. I don’t like the word trigger; I associate it with trigger foods and that’s not a happy association for me.

Whatever I call it – how about prompt, nudge, poke or ???? – I have to come up with something that will, well, remind me to write my affirmations.

If you have any suggestions, I’d love to hear them!

Photo by Lively Images

4 Responses to "New Year Affirmations"

Hi there, it’s extremely powerful to hand write your affirmations – there’s a sync up that happens between your hand, your brain, and your heart when you do this. 😉

To help you get them done each day, it pretty much needs to become a habit, like keeping a notepad by your alarm clock and before you even get out of bed make a pact with yourself that you’re going to write your affirmations….and do it! 🙂

Hope that helps – Shine On in 2009!


Hi Ann: Actually triggers can be a powerful way to get your subconscious mind involved in helping you achieve your habits. If you want to write your affirmations first thing in the morning maybe your trigger could be the smell of fresh coffee brewing 🙂

Hi Ann – Daily affirmations are a great idea. How about setting up reminders on the Google calender. You automatically get email alerts. When the alert comes in, it’s time for your affirmations. Of course, you’ll have to remember to check your email. Haha!

@Marelisa Funny you should mention coffee. I usually plan my mornings so that I have quiet time with my coffee before my daughter is up, and I think that’s the best time to do my affirmations.

@Barbara you must know me! I used to have an email reminder system to remind me to look at my tickler file, and after a while it was like I just never even saw it anymore, so I ignored it . . .

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