One Bag Nation

A Proper 100th Post

Posted on: September 4, 2008

Hello! I took a little detour the other day with my “first” 100th post, but now I’d like to share the post I had originally planned to officially commemorate the 100th post of One Bag Nation.

First, my heartfelt thanks to my small but loyal band of readers and commenters; you keep me going! Some of you have visited consistently, right from the start, and I’d like to mention a few by name:

  • The amazing Vered at MomGrind, who is everywhere in the blogosphere, commenting, guest posting and lending her generous support to so many fellow bloggers!
  • Barbara at Blogging Without a Blog , who has created such a nice community of bloggers, and is a faithful reader, commenter and cheerleader.
  • Kelly at Almost Frugal, who has listened to my trials and tribulations (aka whining) as I worked to get Vintage Mommy going, and who does an amazing job of balancing mommy-ing, blogging and entrepreneur-ing (I suspect she never sleeps) and continually inspires me.
  • The quirky and kind Camilla, who may not comment often, but when she does I always wish I could meet her in person.
  • And not to leave out Urban Panther and Marelisa who come by to comment regularly.

I also want to share some of the resources that have helped me the most in my quest for order, serenity and peace of mind. Although I still have a long way to go, I would be at Square One (surrounded by clutter and piles of laundry!) without their wisdom and inspiration.

Flylady saved me from going completely crazy when I became a stay-at-home mom. Her insistence on establishing routines, and her Five-minute Room Rescues, 27-Fling Boogies and words of wisdom like “You Can do ANYTHING for 15 Minutes” literally changed my life. Among other things, I learned that moving around the house picking up and straightening not only makes my house look better, the act of moving around eases my anxiety – perhaps a very small dose of endorphines at work? For those of you who are truly stuck and struggling, and don’t know where to begin, go to her site!

My Tickler File is a time and paper management technique first taught to me almost 20 years ago, which still helps me manage my paper and my obligations. The Tickler was recently re-popularized by David Allen, and you can read more about it here, at the 43folders Wiki.

Laura Leist, whose book Eliminate Chaos suggested using turntables in kitchen cupboards, and EUREKA! for $20 I eliminated a major source of stress and inefficiency! I literally got chills of delight (for days!!) when I looked at my newly-organized shelf. You’ll get chills too when you look at the BEFORE and AFTER photos.

The Daily Docket from simplemom (a beautiful and useful blog) is a wonderful tool that I just began to use and has already made a difference. It’s amazing what you learn about how long projects and tasks actually take when you plan and track your time hour by hour.

Delivered from Distraction by Edward M. Hallowell MD & John J. Ratey which encouraged me to “do something [I] love” so that focus would come more easily. They were right!

Steven Covey, who taught me years ago about putting First Things First, and about putting the Important ahead of the Urgent, and although I have a hard time actually doing this, I never lose sight of the goal!

Leo at zenhabits whom I discovered a couple of years ago while searching for ways to get my life in order, and whose simplification of David Allen’s Getting Things Done helped me strive to focus on my three Most Important Things (MITs).

And finally, speaking of Most Important Things, these words, from the lovely and talented Marelisa at her Abundance Blog, are most important to me:

Treat Yourself Like Someone You Love

Cheers! and thanks again.

10 Responses to "A Proper 100th Post"

Hi Ann: It’s always a pleasure to stop by here and comment. It makes me so happy when someone highlights something I’ve written on their blog, thank you.

Congratulations on the big 100! Your blog doesn’t look a day past 20. 😛
I’m always amazed by the perseverance of those who manage more than a week at blogging (my personal record :P), and i’m really glad you’ve made it this far.
And talk about giving back (although that doesn’t quite work as you’re the one giving in the first place with your blogs, so, er, talk about giving *more*!)… your mention of my name put a big cheesy grin on my face! It’s so lovely to know i’ve helped a bit, your blog has been an absolute pleasure to read and it’s lovely to have little conversations with you in the comments. Perhaps some day we shall all meet up and organise things together, lol! 😉

I’m off to look into all the resources you recommended, and reaquaint myself with Flylady too – i love that site and i keep forgetting about it for some reason!

Congrats again, thanks for all the awesome bloggingness, and may there be tons more where all that came from. 😀

Oh gosh. Thanks! But, as the above commenters have said, it’s all about creating community and giving back as well. So thanks to you, as well.

Thank you!

I read your blog because I enjoy it.

And I LOVE VintageMommy. It reveals a new, fascinating side of you.

@Marelisa: the pleasure is mine! You’re an amazing blogger and I’m proud to have you among my readers.

@Camilla: I just love you, girlfriend and I’m glad I made you grin! Keep coming back, please!

@Kelly: Merci, mon amie! Onward to bloggy bliss.

@Vered: Thank you, I’m quite excited about VM myself!

Oh, you got it! 😀

Hi, Ann,

Congratulations on 100 posts! I have been reading sporadically over the summer and want to thank you for doing this. It is truly inspiring and insightful, and I’ve already been helped by your tips as well as the knowledge that you and others are making progress in what to me often seems an “un-possible” (to quote my son) task! I am also thankful to this great community of posters and bloggers who post here, from whom I have also learned a lot. You folks rock, and I’ll be back for more.

Hi Ann,

Thank you so much for the mention. I love this blog, as well as your new one. Now that you have two, I’ll be doing double cheers for you. 🙂

Again, congratulations on your 100th post!

Barbara, It’s my pleasure! Thanks for the double cheers – I’ll need something to keep me chugging along!

@Sonora: I’m so glad you enjoy the blog and find it inspiring; that means so much to me! And you’re right, our little group here is pretty special.

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