One Bag Nation

Archive for the ‘decluttering’ Category

emptybasementHere is a photo of all the glorious space we have cleared in the basement. There’s still more work to be done, but now my husband can begin work on the wall and shelves he’s planning. Next, the lighting, paint and some carpet and we’re in business!

The holiday room is looking much, much better as well; I may even be able to find what I need down there when the holiday crazies begin!

I definitely fell off the wagon this summer and didn’t get downstairs to declutter and organize as often as I should have. Plenty of time for that when the sun isn’t shining . . .

But tonight, inspired and motivated by a call for donations from Community Services for the Blind, I got myself down there and pulled this stuff together for an early morning pick-up. It may not look like much, but those are giant garbage bags!

The clutter and junk is going, going, gone . . . and our playroom, exercise room, and craft room will become a reality – eventually!

I have to confess that I’ve never thought about my quest for serenity in terms of living more simply. The impetus for my journey was wanting to feel more relaxed, being able to look around my home and see beauty and order, and feeling a lot more productive and a lot less busy.

I posted recently about noticing that the clutter in my house didn’t need to be purged so much as put away.

Does having less stuff automatically mean you’re living more simply? I think it has at least as much to do with what we choose to take on in terms of work, family, and community. In my view, emotional clutter can be as much or more paralyzing than physical stuff.

What do you think? How do you relate to the “simplicity movement”? Are you actively seeking simplicity? Is having fewer possessions a requirement of simplifying? It’s a hot topic right now, online and off, and I’d love to hear your thoughts!